
7 Reasons to Visit Turks and Caicos Islands In 2017

There are, quite simply, too many reasons to visit Turks and Caicos to narrow them down to three or five. Hence, here are seven. And with over forty islands comprising the country of TCI, getting the list to below double digits was no easy task.

1# Island Hopping

Each of TCI’s islands and cays features its own unique history, culture and attractions; Grand Turk is home to the National TCI Museum and gift shop; Little Water Cay, better known as ‘Iguana Island’ is inhabited solely by iguanas, Salt Water Cay is a landscape dominated by TCI’s history as one of the world’s most important producer’s of salt.

The list goes on. Hence, for those in search of exploration, adventure or wishing to nip a case of tropical wanderlust in the bud, Turks and Caicos makes the ideal place in which to do all three – and then some.

To discover TCI via doing some virtual island hopping ahead of partaking in the real thing, head over to the Visit TCI website where you can explore the attractions, sights and adventures to see and be had across all of TCI’s islands and cays.

2# Caicos Conch Farm

Caicos Conch Farm is not only the first working conch farm the world over; it is currently the world’s only working conch farm. Hence, nowhere else on the face of the planet can holiday makers take a tour or experience the fascinating reality of conch farming except in TCI.

Then, Caicos Conch Farm is not simply somewhere to take the kids for a new experience and educational afternoon, but a genuinely fascinating experience to be had by all.

To learn more, when is best to visit and hope you can hope to do, see and experience whilst there give the Caicos Conch Farm website a visit.

3# Potcake Place

Speaking of unique TCI attractions that are sure to entertain the kids and as well prove enjoyable for adults too (whether travelling with little ones or not), no visit to Turks and Caicos is complete without stopping by Potcake Place.

Sounding like the name of a Caribbean bistro, those who visit Potcake Place are in fact more likely to try leave with a dog than simply a doggy bag. Potcake place is, after all, TCI’s most famous dog charity and rescue centre for the enigmatic potcake breed of pooch. Given the name due to the fact that the potcake breed was created from a mix of different breeds brought to the country by rum runners, the British, the French and the Americans during bygone years, before Potcake Place was established potcakes had been left largely to live feral in TCI and had consequently bred massively.

Fortunately these days, and thanks in no small part to the hard work put in by the team at Potcake Place and their volunteers, the potcake breed is far more under control now with a large number of dogs finding homes both with TCI islanders and as well those visiting who have adopted and taken potcakes home with them. Hence, visitors are very much encouraged to visit the centre and can enjoy playing with the dogs, cuddling the puppies and even taking a potcake for a walk.

To learn more as well as when and how to visit, head over to the Potcake Place website.

4# Grace Bay Beach

Being made up of 40 separate islands floating in the Caribbean and Indian ocean like a flotsammed jigsaw, TCI is home to a wealth of beaches, bights, bluffs, coasts and coves. The best of them though and in fact the best in the world according to the results f the 2016 Trip Advisor Travel Awards is that of Grace Bay.

Located on the northern tip of Providenciales, TCI’s popular island amongst its tourists, Grace Bay Beach is surrounded (perhaps unsurprisingly) by many of TCI’s best loved resorts too. Of them, the Alexandra Resort is a particularly great name to offer up for those thinking of staying in the Grace Bay locale due to the fact that whilst (like its many neighbouring resorts) it offers luxury by the bucket full, the Alexandra is also the self proclaimed best value resort in the area. Hence, without compromising on location, amenities or luxury, guests at the Alexandra can still save a fair few quid to spend on enjoying a better holiday.

5# Da Conch Shack and Rum Bar

Da Conch Shack and Rum Bar is the most famous and one of the best loved bars in the whole of TCI and is currently a nominee for the title of the best restaurant in the Caribbean via the Reader’s Choice Awards.

Having gained raving reviews from the likes of The BBC here in the UK and The New York Times over in the US, this is one place that no holiday maker in TCI will want to miss out on – and not least because Da Conch Shack and Rum Bar provide the country’s only conch based cocktail.

Visit Da Conch Shack and Rum Bar Facebook page to discover for yourself why Da Conch Shack is so popular and loved amongst both locals and visitors to TCI.

6# Cheshire Hall

An 18th century cotton plantation that today lies in ruins within close proximity to Providenciales, Cheshire House (or what remains of it) is one of TCI’s most visited and popular historic sites.

To learn more and why these ruins are so massively popular with those holidaying in Turks and Caicos, give the US News Travel website article: Cheshire Hall a read.

7# TCI Tram Tours

Grand Turk is the most politically and one of the most historically important islands in TCI. It is as such the Capital Island of Turks and Caicos and consequently provides an unmissable place to explore whilst holidaying in TCI.

For a fun way to explore the island and to experience Grand Turk in an exciting way, take an Island Tram Tour. You can learn more about how and what you will get to see whilst on a Grand Turk Island Tram Tour via the Island Trams Limited Trip Advisor webpage.

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